01-03-2008 // Featured C-kin Artist - Robert-Willem Dol
Robert-Willem Dol is a young Dutch artist on a mission to blow away the air of elitism that surrounds ‘the higher arts’ and to make them more part of our everyday life. Having his powerful and iconic artwork featured on our Commodore Gaming PC cases is just one mean to that end. He filled us in about the thoughts and emotions that go into the creation of his work.
Could you tell us a little bit about yourself and what made you pursue an artistic career?
My name is Robert-Willem Dol. I live and work in Amsterdam. I studied at the Royal Academy of Art in The Haque, graphical- and typographical design. About ten years ago I found out that making art is a medium for me to discover the human mind. How does our sense-organs respond to colours or a strong composition for example. Good art makes you think, maybe can change some patterns in your thinking. Become conscious on a unconscious level. My goals are exprimenting with the most diverse materials/ paint/ objects to create powerful, energetic and intense artworks that influence the human mind: to console, confront, instigate and affect the beholder. And myself. That's my main reason to make art. To express myself in an emotional way.
What drives you to create?
It's a necessity for me, important. I want to tell stories and express emotions in my artworks. On a professional, profound and philosophical basis. What's the Essence for me? I want to find answers. My answers to critical questions will be found in my artworks more and more. A solid definition of (quality) Art for me was revealed on the Canvas channel (16th March 2008): First you'll take a good look at an artwork. Your first thought is " there is something wrong with this piece". Later on ,your final thought about the same piece is that it has to be that way.
How would you describe your own artistic style(s)?
New Emotional Expressionism. 'Painthings' is what I call my artworks. Not that it's everything to do with Pain, but I use objects a lot to create (installations, objects on canvas): Things. Looking for the right medium to shape my ideas, make emotions become the artwork.
What sort of possibilities does the C-kin concept present to you as far as creating and presentation goes?
It's lovely to see how an original artwork can be transformed in an arty object again. A painthing as well. The commodore website is an artwork on its own with the 3D function to see the designs, for example. And that the Commodore hardware and these designs are presented in shops around the world, wow!
What sort of C-kins do you feel are missing from the catalogue and would you like to see?
It's an interesting mix right now.
Would you like to add anything, in conclusion?
Thanks for this interview. feel free to visit my website to see more of my artwork [see link below -ed].