22-11-2007 // Commodore and FIP create Speedball-PC
Commodore and Speedball have been a winning team from the outset. Speedball 2: Brutal Deluxe excelled as one of the most successful games ever for the Amiga 500 platform in the early nineties. Until today the early computer games generation worships the unmatched combination of action-sports cult game and legendary gaming computer. FIP Publishing and Commodore now revive the glorious alliance with a state-of-the-art gaming PC.
Legendary computer manufacturer offers branded PC for cult game
This high-end machine will be exclusively branded with the classy artwork of the new Speedball 2 – Tournament. The futuristic computer is perfectly suited to run the new action-sports title in full 3D details. Besides, the partners offer a branded case with 750 Watt power supply unit to computer tinkerers. Commodore will present both products on its website commodoregaming.com.
The tradition-steeped computer manufacturer and FIP will additionally approach the Speedball community with a targeted newsletter mailing. Moreover, Commodore is going to use high-resolution 3D models and artworks for their Ckin library, from which users can choose individual designs for a custom PC. In return, the games publisher FIP integrates the famous Commodore logo into the packaging and the official websites, where it promotes the branded products also.
“What a truly remarkable return to one of the great gaming alliances this represents” Sean Charles, Marketing and PR manager of Commodore Gaming added. “The Speedball series are no less than a milestone in C64 gaming history, from a development house that became known for both innovation and its unique style and is fondly remembered by many. We believe FIP’s re-imagining of Speedball 2 to be a respectful project that benefits greatly from involving original developer Mike Montgomery as a consultant and adds great value to this classic title with many of today’s key features, like online functionality.”
More about FIP
More about Speedball 2 - Tournament