
30-05-2008 // Ubidays Paris 2008

News - Ubidays

After working together on some cool events and rockin’ cases, Ubisoft was kind enough to invite Commodore Gaming along to check out the upcoming Ubisoft titles at the Stunning Palais du Louvre (Gaming meets Art) in Paris France (and if lucky, get some hands-on time with some of the games) at Ubidays, Ubisoft's press and trade show.

After a train journey from Amsterdam to Paris there was a presentation to address the world's games press (the millions watching online) on the killer titles in Ubisoft's upcoming 08/09 line-up.

The presentation covered Prince of Persia, Far Cry 2, Tom Clancy's Hawx and Endwar (voice controlled RTS, awesome) Shaun White Snowboarding, Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway, Soul Calibur IV, Rayman Raving Rabbids TV Party and Ubisofts's Games for Everyone casual brand.

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Each aforementioned title received a moment in the spotlight, involving some in-game footage, impressive trailers and discussions with key team members working on the title. After that there was time for some socializing and then a late tour of the Louvre to see sights, among which the Mona Lisa of course!

The next day started early and was focused on the individual titles, letting the journalists try them and speak to the teams working on them (Sean got to play End War and fell in love :) It will hopefully be 'happily ever after' when it releases).

Ubisoft's release schedule for Q4 is as follows:

Midnight Play Pack – DS - June 6th
Stratego – DS - June 6th
Emergency Heroes – Wii - June 13th
My Health Coach: Weight – DS - June 20th
Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword – DS - June 27th
Farm Life – DS - July 4th
Animal Genius – DS - July 4th
Fashion Dogz – DS - July 25th
Imagine Girl Band – DS - July
Soul Calibur IV - 360/PS3 - August 8th
Imagine Figure Skating – DS - August
Brothers In Arms 3: Highway - PC, PS3, 360 - August
Brothers in Arms: Double Time - Wii - August
Soul Calibur Legends - Wii - Q2
Tom Clancy’s Hawx - PS3, 360, PC - Autumn
Petz Dogz Wii - Wii - Autumn
Imagine Fashion Model - DS - Autumn
Imagine Teacher - DS - Autumn
Allen Carr’s: Stop Smoking - DS – 2008
Tom Clancy’s End War – 360 – Holiday 2008
Prince of Persia - PS3, 360, PC, DS - Holiday 2008
Raving Rabbids TV Party - Wii, DS - Holiday 2008
Shaun White Snowboarding - TBC - Holiday 2008
Babies Party - TBC - TBC

Ubidays Paris 2008 - Pictures

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