
24-09-2007 // Festival du Jeu Vidéo 2007

News - Festival du Jeu Vidéo 2007

Commodore Gaming went down to Paris to attend to the Festival du Jeu Vidéo, France’s major gaming convention. There was no time for wine, good food and romance, but all the more time for gaming, mingling with French gamers and lots and lots of meetings. In the words of our esteemed French Team member: "Oh là là!"

The Festival du Jeu Vidéo is a gaming event focused on consumers: companies exhibiting their new materials, publishers introducing gamers to big, upcoming games and independent studios showing their last creative works. The several conferences being held at the event draw in many games industry people and this year the French Final of the World Cyber Games also took place in the Convention center, gathering the best French gamers, competing for a place in the big final of the WCG next month in Seattle.

News - Festival du Jeu Vidéo Banner

This year, the Festival du Jeu Vidéo took place in Montreuil, a busy and colorful neighboring town of Paris. The Commodore Gaming team finally made it after enjoying Paris’ unique traffic experience: endless traffic jams, crazy bikers coming in from every angle and every other car being either a police car or an ambulance.

We partnered with Mondes Persistants, a French major website dedicated to MMOs to show our systems to the French audience. Thus, we got involved in Mondes Persistants’ funny games and creative lotteries, with illustrious names like 'The Quest', 'I want a buff' or 'Where’s my big loot?'. This turned Mondes Persistants’ booth into a very busy, noisy and joyful place, where all kinds of visitors crowded around in search of new challenges. If you can imagine a half-naked guy running around the booth, screaming “I love Mondes Persistants!”, you might have some idea of what situation we found ourselves in.

We talked to press, business partners, event organizers and many, many visitors of any age and enjoyed everybody's positive feedback about our machines and their enthusiasm for our designs. Finally we’d like to thank the people who made it happen: Wodden and his sky blue shirts wearing Mondes Persistants team, of course.

Festival du Jeu Vidéo 2007 - Pictures
  • FJV 2007 01
  • FJV 2007 02
  • FJV 2007 03
  • FJV 2007 04
  • FJV 2007 05
  • FJV 2007 06
  • FJV 2007 07
  • FJV 2007 08
  • FJV 2007 09
  • FJV 2007 10
  • FJV 2007 11
  • FJV 2007 12
FJV 2007 01
FJV 2007 01

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