01-05-2008 // Featured C-kin Artist - Ben Wills
Like Matt Wright, Ben Wills is another young talent from the UK’s Punctum Photography collective. He has etched out his own unique brand of C-kin designs, with iconic, powerful photographs that never veil their subject matter. We had a chat with him for this month’s C-kin Artist feature.
Could you tell us a little bit about yourself and what made you pursue an artistic career?
I first got into photography when I was using photos as a point of reference to create a series of paintings and sculpture at college, and quickly realised that I gained more enjoyment from the photography than the sculpture. This led me on to follow various create paths from photographic in Graphic and Product design studios to travel Photograhy, before running my own business with fellow Commodore artists Matt Wright and Chris George.
What drives you to create / photograph?
Its the detail in life, in the situations that we go through and all the things big or small that we miss, I love having a second opportunity to find things and to take in the splendor of it all.... you could also look at it a bit like making a real life 'Wheres Wally'.
How would you describe your own artistic style(s)?
The colour is in the detail
What sort of possibilities does the C-kin concept present to you as far as creating and presentation goes?
Unfortunately I haven't actually photographed anything with C-kin in mind for the subject, but I would be interested in developing this aspect further to create 3D space i.e. 360 photographs of objects and an inverse of the WrightGeorge concept, potentially.
What sort of C-kins do you feel are missing from the catalogue and would you like to see?
Not knowing very much about the C-kin market, i'm afraid I can't make any creating marketing suggestions but I'm always a fan of humourous items, maybe using the C-kin feature as a disguise, i.e. a series of images of things you see around the home, potted plants, fish tanks etc... in 'hide the PC' if you get my gist.
Would you like to add anything, in conclusion?
Not just at the moment, but I love the product and am very happy to be associated with it.