About us

    Commodore Gaming

    gaming tower

    Commodore Gaming B.V. is a new joint venture between Commodore International Corp. and The Content Factory, based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Commodore Gaming is building on the strength and heritage of the Commodore brand to become a major worldwide player in the mobile games and entertainment market.

    Just as Commodore pioneered the home computer market, Commodore Gaming will do the same in the mobile games market. Nowadays, large studios and publishers dominate the PC and console games market with big budget titles that are ambitious in scope, but not in creativity.  Small developers of innovative games are at a disadvantage when squared off against games that are flashy in appearance but bland in game play. Thankfully, those small developers have found a home on the mobile games platform. The relatively low costs of developing games for the mobile platform allows creative minds to produce software that echoes the instantly playable games of yesteryear, enhanced with many new ideas. Commodore Gaming is providing outlets to distribute such software and devising new ways for consumers to easily and accessibly purchase their mobile games, creating space for developers with great ideas, but few resources.

    The Gaming Tower

    With this in mind, Commodore Gaming has developed an innovative retail download platform, the Gaming Tower, which allows the downloading of digital entertainment and applications directly on to mobile phones via Bluetooth. The tower will be trialled in the Netherlands with a major game and toy retailer and a full commercial launch is planned later in 2006. The launch of the Commodore Gaming website will compliment and support the roll out of the Gaming Towers creating a fully integrated online and retail service.

    Game reviews

    In order to keep you, our customer, happy and uphold the Commodore name, we have devised a quality control system that guarantees a catalogue of only the best and most playable mobile games. Our seasoned testers play every game that we have on offer and rate it on a scale from 0 to a 100%, with 0 being the lowest quality and 100 the highest.  Any game that scores below 60% does not meet our standard and will not be published.  The game reviews feature an overall rating, broken down by category to ensure that you are given the best and most unbiased information, when choosing a game to suit your gaming needs. What's more, in the near future you will be able to make clear on the site whether you agree with our reviews or not, by way of a user review system.

    Commodore Gaming is committed to upholding the highest quality standards, whilst promoting games from small developers and opening up new ways for you to obtain mobile games.  We aim to be the premier game publisher and distributor by offering innovative connected gaming experiences. Mobile gaming is about enjoying games wherever you are, with whomever you want. Commodore Gaming will shape this reality and be your partner as you discover the joys of mobile games.    

    For further inquiries please contact: [email protected]