Frequently Asked Questions
* I have bad experiences with providers of downloadable mobile content tricking me into subscriptions. Should I purchase a game on
At Commodore Gaming you simply come and download your game. This is a one-time deal only, with no strings attached.
* Why haven’t I received my WAP Push message?
Only on rare occasions will it take more than 5 minutes for you to receive your Push message. It is always possible to go back and order your purchase again, without being charged extra.
* What should I do with the WAP Push message I’ve received?
1. The WAP Push message contains a download link.
2. If you click on the link, you will be asked if you agree with the cost of the game. Confirm and your download will start.
3. Only when the download has finished will you receive a message saying that you have been charged.
* Why is my download not starting, after clicking on the download link?
This could have a few causes:
- The WAP settings haven not been installed correctly on your phone. You can do two things:
1. Click on the WAP Settings help link in Step 3 of the checkout page, or;
2. Approach your provider and ask for the right settings and how to install them.
- WAP Push is blocked on your mobile phone. If this is the case, you can not download from this link. Change this in the settings menu of the message section on your phone.
- If you have a Siemens phone, it could be that your HTTP- and JAVA profiles haven’t been configured. They need to be configured separately from the normal WAP settings. It’s best to approach Siemens for this.
* My download failed / was interrupted. Do I need to pay again, for re-attempting my download?
You will only pay when you have received your download. When you re-open the WAP Push message, you can re-attempt downloading as many times as you want. Only when the download has finished will you receive a message saying that you have been charged.
* I haven’t received my download. What should I do?
It might be that the WAP settings have not been installed correctly on your phone. You can do two things:
1. Click on the WAP Settings help link in Step 3 of the checkout page, or;
2. Approach your provider and ask for the right settings and how to install them.
If your questions are not answered, please contact support[@]