04-02-2008 // Commodore and Intel back LAN team
2008 has marked an exciting time for Commodore Gaming, as we can now announce our first sponsored LAN team: n!faculty. Intel (who you might remember for their rather brill CPU’s) and Commodore joined forces to co-sponsor n!faculty, who specialize in Counter-Strike.
This team will be active in a host of cups among which:
- Electronic Sports League - European Master Series
- Electronic Sports World Cup
- Zockerweibchen Cups.
Naturally, more cups will follow along with various LAN party tournaments. On behalf of everyone at Commodore Gaming we would like to welcome:
- n!Lunatic alias Jennifer Löhr,
- n!mIsTy alias Judith Dieter,
- n!craZygirL alias Sandra Sbrzesny,
- n!redfox alias Isabelle Schaffert,
- n!Jelly alias Sabrina Ibach
- n!TeraX alias Daniel Herberg (Team Manager).
n!faculty's site