
29-08-2007 // Commodore opens North American headquarters

News - North American HQ

Stamford, Conn. August 29, 2007 – Commodore Gaming, a leader in high-performance PC gaming solutions, announced today that it has opened a new North American Headquarters and hired a veteran from the video games industry to run it. The new offices are in Stamford, Connecticut in one of Stamford’s best known business complexes, One Stamford Plaza. Joining the company to run the Stamford headquarters is Bill Sims as Vice President of North American Sales.

Taps former EA Regional Sales Manager to run operations

Mr. Sims spent 17 years at Electronic Arts as their Regional Sales Manager for the Eastern Region.  He has extensive experience growing revenues in specialty, mass merchant, discount and distributor channels. In 2006, he was responsible for generating $185 million in revenue for the Eastern Region. His duties for Commodore will include implementation of a retail program for both online and big box retailers.  Additionally he will mine new channels to expand on sales and ensure branding in the US remains consistent with the company’s overall goals.

“Commodore Gaming will now be able to ensure North American customers get the same level quality and service that has been offered overseas.  By opening a US office we can better serve the country where the original Commodore was born and show our commitment to bringing the fastest and most beautiful computers available to the US”, said Bala Keilman, CEO for Commodore Gaming.  “Bill Sims knows the industry like no one else and we are extremely proud to have him join our family.  His unparalleled experience in the gaming industry will enable Commodore to win in a market where we are the clear price/performance leaders.” 

Bill Sims of Commodore Gaming added, “Commodore is an iconic brand with a rich history who I am very proud to be working with as we continue their fine tradition.  I look forward to representing Commodore Gaming with the same passion and dedication as I did representing EA for the past 17 years. 

The new offices are located at One Stamford Plaza, 263 Tresser Boulevard, Stamford Connecticut 06901. Pricing and availability will be announced shortly.

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